What is on your mind? how are you? how are you really? .. I want to know...
Let it out, Let Love in....
.... Everyone is dealing with reality and yet we do not talk about it...we do not let it out... what is it? what wakes you up in the middle of your sleep? .... Powering through it all is not sustainable.
Take a pause, take a load off, put it down on my floor., we both can unpack your load.
You do not need to keep quiet ... I am here! Let it out!
It is more than OK 💖💖💖
At times when we feel so full., another side of it is, your body is full of your truth! Let your truth out other than inside your body. We can unpack and release to ease your becoming.
Return back home to yourself. Let us shift your energy.
See you when you're ready and available 🤍
Much love beyond human understanding.